  • 学生姓名:李同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:Fail 入学时间:2021-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:MSc Digital Marketing
  • 学部:business school 申请学制:一年全日制
  • 国内毕业院校:新南威尔士大学,麦考瑞大学

申请专业:MSc Digital Marketing

Customer Insight
This module aims to provide you with an understanding of the different frameworks that can be applied to gain in-depth knowledge of customers. We will also be addressing how that knowledge can contribute to the development of effective and relevant market...

Designing and Managing Research Projects
This module aims to provide opportunities for students to develop an appreciation of marketing research in theory and practice. There are two broad objectives: (1) to enhance your knowledge of the research process and enable you to be aware of the problem...

Digital Analytics
To introduce you to the key concepts of digital analytics in the marketing discipline and how analytics can build knowledge of online customer behaviour and campaign effectiveness that can be used effectively in the business environment within which marke...

Digital Marketing Strategy
This module focusses on strategic marketing decision making and reflects the marketing role in building and sustaining an organisation’s competitive advantage in a digital age. We examine the dynamic digital environment through a situation analysis employ...

Integrated Marketing Communication Design
During the course of the module, you explore the scope of marketing communications within the dynamic contextualized communication coexistence of digital and classical channels. More specifically, the module introduces key terms and concepts, current theo...

Introduction to Marketing
This module introduces you to the scope and role of marketing within an organisation and the dynamic business environment in which it operates. Key components of the macro and micro environment are identified giving students the knowledge and skills requ...

You must also choose from the following modules:

Digital Marketing Applications
There is an unprecedented range of applications that support digital marketing, ranging from ‘out of the box’ applications such as Hubspot, Hootsuite, Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics, to applications including Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence.

Dissertation for Marketing
The dissertation stage of your Master's programme involves an extended, independent investigation of a topic of your own choosing and the preparation of a 15,000 word dissertation describing your work. Essentially, the dissertation is a test of your abili...

Managing Digital Design & Web Development
In today’s IT and digital marketing landscape, and with the growing popularity of cloud computing, web and mobile applications are often the technologies of choice for organisations to deliver content and services, either externally or internally. The ai...

Marketing Practice Based Dissertation
The Marketing Practice Based Dissertation provides an opportunity to undertake a sustained piece of individually developed project applied to a real-life marketing situation or problem which involves an extended, independent investigation. This module foc...

Services Marketing
The services sector remains an integral component of a thriving local, national and global economy. This area of study is critical since services are inherently unique and possess characteristics not seen in other areas of marketing and business. Indeed, ...
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 阅读写作6.5 )


对比 李同学
教育背景 新南威尔士大学 暂无
最高学历 硕士 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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