  • 学生姓名:李同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:Offer 入学时间:2021-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Business and Management
  • 学部:Brunel Business School 申请学制:一年全日制
  • 国内毕业院校:Bellevue college

申请专业:Business and Management

Year 1
MG1011 - Introduction to Management Enquiry
This module introduces students to fundamentals of business and management with the focus on a number of key concepts. This includes subjects such as understanding organisational planning with a focus on the foundations of decision, organisational structure and design and managing human resources, leadership, trust, and managing communication, information and operations.
MG1016 - Managing Information with Technology
This module’s primary aim is to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in the use of IT and statistics in managing and analysing data for business to improve the quality of decision-making in a dynamic business environment.
MG1051 - Organisational Behaviour and Analysis
This module introduces students to the study of organisations. It outlines key sociological and psychological perspectives used to analyse organisations and occupational groups. Students encounter core topics including organisational design, bureaucracy and contingency theory. Theory and practice are linked via seminars, case study discussions and reflections on students’ experience of organisations.
MG1600 - Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management
The module introduces students to the essential concepts of accounting and financial management. As the foundation of all other accounting modules, you will study how financial information is prepared, communicated and used. You will develop skills in critically evaluating and appreciating the importance of the accounting and finance function within organisations particularly in connection with business decision making. Students will learn how to: prepare a set of essential financial statements for a business, prepare information for business planning - such as budgets, prepare information for decision making using techniques such as cost, volume, profit analysis and investment appraisal techniques.
MG1054 - International Business Environment
Developing students’ understanding of the basic economic concepts and principles that apply to the international business environment with emphasis on European business, and developing analytical and conceptual skills in economic and business environment for them to be able to respond to problems associated with modern international business environment.
MG1062 - Principles and Practice of Marketing
This module focuses on developing an understanding of concepts of marketing, marketing mix principles and practices. It also aims to develop students’ awareness of skills needed and ethical issues in marketing.
Year 2
MG2048 - Marketing Communications
This module aims to explore the concepts associated with marketing communications, to help students develop an appreciation of the key characteristics of the main tools of the communications mix, and to introduce elements of communication theory and to set it in the context of marketing communications.
MG2063 - Critical Perspectives in Management
The module seeks to introduce students to a critical approach to the study of management and organisations. This will be achieved through an exploration of bureaucratic/post-bureaucratic organisations, new forms of work organisations, new forms of managerial control, resistance and power, new forms of employment, gender and work organisations.
MG2129 - Managing Change and Creativity
Companies that want to successfully ride the wave of the knowledge economy must always consider ideas as the most precious commodity and employees who produce them as sought after resources. There is increased recognition that the competitive advantage of organisations depends heavily on their ability to capitalise on their employees’ ideas. The value of creativity as a means of enhancing communication, promoting organisational learning, as well as helping the development of new ideas, solutions and alternatives, is therefore of high importance. With constant change becoming the accepted norm, this module will also examine how organisations cope with the process and outcomes of change.
MG2130 - Project Management
This module offers opportunity to examine the approaches, practices, contributions and skills involved in project management. Responsibilities for projects involve ability to analyse business needs, design solutions, plan, test, and co-ordinate implementation, being aware of the human factor requirements and the use of computer-based information system tools.
MG2133 - Human Resource Management and its International Dimensions
The aim of this module is to introduce students to issues, debates, and controversies relating to the field of Human Resource Management. The module intends to develop students’ awareness of people management issues within and outside the workplace. The people management issues are set against the background of national and international issues that affect HRM policies and practices.
MG2135 - Operations Management
The aims of this module are to introduce students to the core concepts underpinning effective operations management, in both manufacturing and service operations settings; to enhance students understanding of the contribution of the operations function to strategy and organisational performance, foster a critical appreciation of the key operational issues faced by operations managers; and to develop analytical skills which underpin sound operations management infrastructure decision making.
Year 3
MG3047 - Strategic Management
This module aims to enable students to appreciate the many, wide ranging issues and challenges that confront strategic managers, introduce concepts, topics and methodological approaches relevant to the analysis of the strategic position of the organisation and the development and implementation of strategies in complex uncertain environments, including a consideration of major operational implications, and to develop skills of strategic thinking, analysis and argument.
MG3113 - Business Ethics, Environmental Sustainability and Governance
The module aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain critical understanding of theories and contemporary approaches to business ethics, corporate social responsibility and governance in the age of globalisation, and the challenges of sustainable development and business responses to it.
MG3119 - Issues and Controversies in Management Project
This core module helps students to conduct critical appraisals of issues and controversies involving contemporary organisations and of managerial responses to these challenges. It also provides focused support in appropriate research methods and in the effective communication of research findings in oral presentations, small group discussions and an extended written report.
MG3009 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Ventures
This module provides an integrated and critical analysis of entrepreneurship and small business management related theories and frameworks underpinning the practice and policy of entrepreneurship and small business management. It will enable you to draw on evidence and contemporary research to explore entrepreneurial value creation and capture, and the imperatives of innovative new technologies on small business growth, as well as identify and evaluate the opportunities and distinctive challenges faced by entrepreneurs and their firms.
MG3018 - Gender and Organisations
This module will introduce students to the issue of gender as a critical approach to the study of organizations. The module aims to provide students with a critical insight into the impact of gender on individuals' experience of the world of work. It seeks to introduce students to a number of gender perspectives, highlighting how each perspective conceptualises the issue of gender differently, presents a distinct account of gender inequality, and proposes different "solutions" to the "problem of gender" in organizations.
MG3038 - International Marketing
This module addresses critical understanding and ability in assessing the effectiveness of international marketing theory and practice. It targets principles and issues that drive markets world-wide. Students will develop insight and investigative ability concerning issues facing a business that needs to research markets and develop and implement market strategies, techniques and methods across a range of international sectors.
MG3109 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
This module is designed to give students an understanding of the role of knowledge assets as a key to corporate success and particularly in relation to innovation. It examines how organisations create, utilise and exploit knowledge in the globalising knowledge-based economy, and the wider social and economic factors affecting knowledge creation and transfer.
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 5.5 )


对比 李同学
教育背景 Bellevue college 暂无
最高学历 高中/中专 暂无
在校均分 2.80 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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