  • 学生姓名:陈同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:Fail 入学时间:2021-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Business Management
  • 学部:Cardiff Business School 申请学制:一年全日制
  • 国内毕业院校:四川电影电视学院

申请专业:Business Management

Course structure
The MSc Business Management is structured around six module blocks, plus a Consultancy Challenge. The first and last module blocks are scheduled on their own as introductory and capstone learning experiences.  The four other modules are scheduled in pairs.

We recognise that you will be making a transition from one area of study to another, to a more advanced level of learning, and possibly to a different learning culture. Consequently, the block structure provides an enriched opportunity for extended learning activities, class interaction and review of learning to enhance understanding. It also enables us to offer extra support for individual students to build their confidence.

The introductory module sets the scene for the rest of the programme by considering the key features of the business environment and how this shapes organisations and their decisions. You will then examine core management concepts and practices associated within a range of functional areas.

The modules that follow will help you consider the latest research and practice in business management, including core areas such as marketing, strategy, finance, logistics, economics and human resources.

Your enhanced knowledge and skills will be integrated and applied in a capstone ‘Business in Action’ module. Here you will explore a series of large-scale and complex global issues that present significant dilemmas for the effective management of business.

Choice and specialisation is embedded within modules.  For example, the ‘Business in Action’ module will provide you with the opportunity to focus on a contemporary debate or issue that has particular relevance for your future career.

The programme concludes with a Consultancy Project.  Reflecting the team-based structure of contemporary organisations, you will work in a group to analyse, diagnose and recommend practical solutions for a business problem in a realistic and relevant business context that may include charities and not-for-profit enterprises.

You will develop and apply the key technical and soft skills required for effective business management in every module. You will see your confidence as a future manager build cumulatively across the programme as you are given multiple opportunities to respond to practical business management challenges.

All modules are underpinned by a concern to examine the contrasting political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal and environmental factors that inform management decision making in different international business contexts. Understanding these dynamics will help you to reflect on the multiple factors that offer opportunities and constraints on management decision-making.

The modules shown are an example of the typical curriculum and will be reviewed prior to the 2021/22 academic year. The final modules will be published by September 2021.

 Core modules for year one
Module title	Module code	Credits
Understanding Organisations and the Business Environment	BST710	20 credits
Global Marketing	BST711	20 credits
Managing People	BST712	20 credits
Analysing Financial Performance	BST713	20 credits
Strategic and Operational Decision Making	BST714	20 credits
Business in Action	BST715	20 credits
Consultancy Challenge	BST720	60 credits
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 )


对比 陈同学
教育背景 四川电影电视学院 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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