  • 学生姓名:李同学 申请时间:2017-02-28 申请结果:Fail 入学时间:2017-9
  • 申请周期:2周 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Wireless and Microwave Communication Engineering
  • 学部:School of Engineering 申请学制:1 year full time
  • 国内毕业院校:集美大学诚毅学院

申请专业:Wireless and Microwave Communication Engineering

Software tools and Simulation: 10 credit Autumn semester module that aims to ensure students from diverse backgrounds achieve a common foundation in using the software tools and simulation techniques used within both research areas and industrial labs.
Advanced Communications Systems: 10 credit Autumn semester module that provides a thorough understanding of modern mobile communications systems, modulation schemes, state-of-the-art hardware and system characterisation techniques.
High Frequency Electronic Materials: 10 credit Autumn semester module that introduces the fundamental physical properties at high frequencies of a range of novel electronic materials.
HF & RF Engineering: 10 credit Autumn semester module that introduces circuit design techniques that must be employed in the design of high-frequency circuits and systems
Non-Linear RF Design and Concepts: 10 credit Autumn semester module that explores how non-linearity of electronic devices used in communications systems can both degrade and enhance overall performance.
Research Study: 20 credit Autumn/Spring semester module with the main aim of engaging, motivating and enthusing students and through industry-linked case studies, promote a strong teamworking approach to learning at an early stage of the MSc programme. Also to provide knowledge and necessary research skills to embark on a productive research project. The research study is an essential precursor to the 60-credit summer research study involving both individual and group work activities.
RF Circuit Design and CAD: 10 credit Spring semester module that considers advanced concepts behind modern-day microwave and monolithic microwave circuit design, looking specifically at measurement systems, amplifier design and matching techniques.
Management in Industry: 10 credit Spring semester module giving students an appreciation of what to expect when they take their first positions in the world of corporate business and industry.
Fundamentals of micro and nanotechnology: 10 credit Spring semester module introducing the principles of micro and nano-scale fabrication in the context of integrated circuit (IC) technology and micro-mechanical systems (MEMS).
Optoelectronics: 10 credit Spring semester module that gives a comprehensive overview of developments in the rapidly expanding subject of optoelectronics and optoelectronic communication and optical information storage systems.
Advanced CAD, Fabrication and Test: 10 credit Spring semester module focussing on the use of a range of advanced CAD tools and modern measurement instruments - a key attribute of a modern day electronic/RF Engineer. Modern microwave fabrication and prototyping techniques are also explored.
Research Study: 20 credit Autumn/Spring semester module with the main aim of engaging, motivating and enthusing students and through industry-linked case studies, promote a strong teamworking approach to learning at an early stage of the MSc programme. Also to provide knowledge and necessary research skills to embark on a productive research project. The research study is an essential precursor to the 60-credit summer research study involving both individual and group work activities.


对比 李同学
教育背景 集美大学诚毅学院 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
IELTS成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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