  • 学生姓名:雷同学 申请时间:2017-10-17 申请结果:Offer 入学时间:2018-9
  • 申请周期:3周 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
  • 学部:Department of Education 申请学制:1 year full time
  • 国内毕业院校:中山大学新华学院

申请专业:MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

You will study four core modules and your choice of two optional modules.

Core modules

TESOL Methods: This module is designed to develop your knowledge of and explore the application of the methodology of teaching English as a second/foreign language. You will examine the nature of each of the four language skills from a discourse perspective and develop links between what teachers and learners do in class and what applied linguistic research tells us about how second language acquisition takes place. You will gain an understanding of interactional competence and learn how to develop it among L2 learners.

English Linguistics: For some students this module may act as a review of some aspects of their previous study, for others it will act as an introduction to key aspects of the field of Linguistics. You will be provided with the essentials in the study of the structure of English and get the opportunity to understand the organising principles that unite the various levels of linguistic analysis. You will further learn how to relate the above to language use in a socio-cultural context and gain an overview of how the above theories are linked to the processes involved in teaching English as a second/foreign language.

Research Methods in Language Learning and Teaching: This module will give you an understanding of methods used to research language learning and teaching. You will explore the relationships between research questions, methods, data analysis and subsequent claims.

Planning and Communicating Research: Building on the knowledge and understanding of research methods gained in the previous module, you will engage in planning of a small research project, identifying and managing the different stages involved, from conception to analysis to writing up and disseminating your results. This module will provide you with the knowledge, understanding and skills necessary for conducting a research study and will allow you to reflect on these to enrich your own experience.

Optional Modules

Study your choice of one optional module which may be chosen from the list of modules available to all taught MA students in the Department of Education.

Modules that may be of particular interest for students on this course include:

Cross-linguistic influences in second language acquisition
Discourse analysis & language teaching
Evaluating ESOL classroom practice
Intercultural communication in education
Learning and Teaching Second Language Reading
Motivation in education
Teaching and learning in schools
Teaching World English
Contemporary issues in teaching
Developmental psycholinguistics
The practice of English language teaching
Psychology of language and language learning
Teaching English for academic purposes
Testing and assessment in English language teaching.
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 写作6.5 )


对比 雷同学
教育背景 中山大学新华学院 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 3.40 暂无
IELTS成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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最高学历 ?
专业方向 ?
百分制均分 ?
根据测试结果推断,你的基础条件符合该校留学申请,赶紧联系老师为你定制留学方案吧 咨询老师




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