  • 学生姓名:张同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:Fail 入学时间:2022-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:MSc International Banking and Financial Studies
  • 学部:business school 申请学制:一年全日制
  • 国内毕业院校:中央财经大学

申请专业:MSc International Banking and Financial Studies

For entry in Academic Year 2021-22
Year 1 modules
You must study the following modules:

Banking, Finance and Risk Dissertation
The dissertation stage of your Postgraduate programme involves an extended, independent investigation of a topic of your own choosing and the preparation of a 15,000 word dissertation describing your work. Essentially, the dissertation is a test of your a...

Corporate Finance 1
In this module we begin by looking at the types and sources of finance for a company. Next we seek to understand the cost of capital and the major theories that guide us. Next comes sources of long-term finance: capital, debt and hybrid finance. Finally, ...

Corporate Finance 2
This module covers topics such as investment appraisal, evaluation of corporate investment, M&A, corporate governance issues in both theoretical and empirical aspects, and thus provides the knowledge which may be required for managers. The materials may b...

Financial Risk Management
The module explores bank regulations as well as theoretical and practical techniques to measure market risk, interest rate risk and credit risk. It also discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the risk management techniques employed in the fina...

International Banking
This module is the core unit of the MSc International Banking and Financial Studies. It is also the module that is most directly focusing on banking, as opposed to financial market or accounting and finance-related courses otherwise on offer. This is a...

Quantitative Research in Finance
This module provides you with the opportunity to engage with econometrics theory focusing, in particular, on analysing financial markets and firms’ investment and financing decisions. The module will systematically prepare you with the necessary skills to...

You must also choose from the following modules:

Behavioural Finance
Mainstream finance assumes that people are rational and is mainly concerned with how they should behave when making financial decisions. In this module, instead, we focus on how individuals make financial decisions in practice, and we use insights from ps...

Introduction to Portfolio Management and Exchange Traded Derivatives
The aim of this module is to provide a broad introduction to portfolio selection and derivatives from a theoretical and practical viewpoint. The course will show the interaction between asset management and derivatives.

Stock Market Analysis
This module provides an introduction to the modern finance theory and its applications to equity investing. It will start by giving a short preamble of the asset classes and stock markets, security analysis, and equity evaluation models. The course will t...
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 阅读写作6.5 )


对比 张同学
教育背景 中央财经大学 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 3.60 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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根据测试结果推断,你的基础条件符合该校留学申请,赶紧联系老师为你定制留学方案吧 咨询老师




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