  • 学生姓名:魏同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:申请中 入学时间:2022-9
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Architecture
  • 学部:School of Environment, Education and Development 申请学制:一年全日制
  • 国内毕业院校:poly


Course content for year 1
Year 1 will provide you with an understanding of contemporary architectural practice. 

You will study foundational principles in space-making, material expression, brief writing, contextual research, and the role of the humanities in the design process.  

A series of studio projects and skills workshops will develop your architectural creative process.  

Year 1 will culminate with events jointly undertaken with second and fifth-year students. 

Studio 1.1  

Establishes the principles and skills in research, analysis, argument and representation that support an understanding of architectural design. 
Introduces the concept of thinking as a designer and learning by doing.
Studio 1.2  

Apply your developing knowledge and skill base to projects that begin to promote the integration of sensory, functional and technological considerations in architectural design in a contemporary cultural setting.  
Develop an understanding of design as a contemporary discourse. 
Explore real-world situations that invite thinking that is imaginative, integrative and inclusive. 
Humanities 1  

Focuses on disciplinary fundamentals.  
The groundwork is laid in this foundation year, introducing you to the history of the profession and to what architecture can be.
Technologies 1  

Introduces you to the technological contexts for architectural design. 
Develops skills in research, analysis, technical design, and visual representation. 
Course content for year 2
In Year 2, the multi-layered nature of the design process is explored, and urban theory and specialised sustainability knowledge is applied to design projects, transforming the aesthetic concepts of the first year into the techno-cultural strategies used by professionals. 

You'll develop an increased awareness of architecture in a variety of contexts and improve your design processes and critical thinking skills. 

Studio 2.1  

Consolidates design capability. 
Introduces public and social programmes with associated issues of sustainability, inclusivity and greater complexity in building programme, placing greater emphasis on relational abilities. 
Studio 2.2  

Consolidates design capability by extending the exploration of public and social programmes with associated issues of sustainability, inclusivity and complexity in building programme and technological manifestation. 

Humanities 2  

Introduces theories of architecture, practice and professionalism. 
You will learn how architecture never exists in isolation, either as a design or academic discipline. 
Technologies 2  

You will explore in greater detail issues such as the use of industry leading environmental analysis software as a learning tool. 
You will work in a team to critically deconstruct an existing precedent. 
You will undertake a design project that builds directly on the analytical skills and knowledge of specific systems encountered in the building case study. 
Course content for year 3
In Year 3, you will begin to formulate your individual position on contemporary architecture and urbanism.  

The third year is organised around a themed 'atelier' system.  

Each atelier applies a particular design methodology to an extended urban project which lasts the entire year. 

The course culminates with an assessed self-build exhibition. 

Studio 3.1  

Introduces urbanism and develops the ability to apply techniques in analysis of and strategies for generic urban contexts as the basis for defining and developing a critical approach or agenda on the city. This is developed into a proposition for a major design study. 

Studio 3.2  

Develops ability in architectural design through the exploration of materials, structures, construction, and environmental modification integral with programmatic detail within a building design initiated in response to urban study. 

Humanities 3  

Learn how to mobilise knowledge of history and theory in contemporary architectural practice.  
Choose from a series of electives, each related to staff research interests to ensure that course content addresses contemporary debates in the discipline. 
Technologies 3  

You will undertake a complex building case study. 
Through lecture discussions, you will acquire skills in developing rigorous academic argument for the technological realisation of architectural propositions.  
You will undertake a design project that synthesises the knowledge and skills in technological design accumulated during the course.
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 写作6.5 )


对比 魏同学
教育背景 poly 暂无
最高学历 高中/中专 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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