Coursework and assessment The taught element of the course, carrying 120 credits overall, is continuously assessed by a variety of methods (eg project-based reports, essays), involving largely individual submissions, but also elements of group work. You must also complete a 12,000-15,000 word dissertation on a topic of your choice approved by the Programme Directors. You are encouraged to base your dissertation on topics of direct professional concern. Course unit list The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study. Title Code Credit rating Mandatory/optional Human Resource Management: Concepts and Contexts MGDI70191 15 Mandatory Human Resource Practice 2 MGDI70432 15 Mandatory Human Resource Practice 1 MGDI70661 15 Mandatory Research Methods in Human Resource Management MGDI75430 15 Mandatory Introducing Information Systems in Organisations MGDI60012 15 Optional Public Sector Reform and Management MGDI60081 15 Optional International Management MGDI60101 15 Optional Human Resource Development & Leadership MGDI60162 15 Optional Organisational Behaviour MGDI70072 15 Optional Organizational Psychology, Management and Change MGDI70081 15 Optional Managing Quality in Development MGDI70472 15 Optional Human Resource Planning and Development MGDI70692 15 Optional Gender & Development MGDI70802 15 Optional Organisational Change Strategies MGDI70882 15 Optional Planning and Managing Development MGDI70992 15 Optional Learning, Training and Development MGDI71441 15 Optional Development Practice: International Contexts and Worlds of Action MGDI71981 15 Optional Characteristics and Skills of Development Practice MGDI71992 15 Optional