  • 学生姓名:宁同学 申请时间:暂无 申请结果:申请中 入学时间:2019-7
  • 申请周期:暂无 申请学校:


  • 申请专业:Master of Environmental Engineering
  • 学部:工程学院 申请学制:2 years
  • 国内毕业院校:北工大,北京工业大学

申请专业:Master of Environmental Engineering

Year 1 Professional Development
48 UOC of Disciplinary courses, chosen from the lists below.

Students are educated across the breadth of engineering management (minimum 12 UOC), analysis and design (minimum of 12 UOC) and engineering and the environment (minimum of 6 UOC). A minimum of 36 UOC in total of Disciplinary courses are to be selected from these groups.

Students may also select up to 12 UOC of Disciplinary elective courses.


Select a minimum of 12 UOC of management courses from the following list:
CVEN4101 Problem Solving for Engineers (6 UOC)
CVEN4102 Operations and Projects (6 UOC)
CVEN4103 Engineering Contracts (6 UOC)
CVEN9741 Engineering Construction (6 UOC)
CVEN9742 Professional Civil Engineering (6 UOC)
CVEN9743 Construction Eng. Practices (6 UOC)
CVEN9744 Civil Engineering Practices (6 UOC)
Core Environmental Engineering

Select both of the analysis and design courses (12 UOC) listed below:
CVEN9625 Fundamentals of Water Eng (6 UOC)
CVEN9884 Enviro Chemical and Micro Proc (6 UOC)
Engineering and the Environment

Select a minimum of 6 UOC of engineering and the environment courses from the following list:
CVEN3701 Environmental Frameworks (6 UOC)
CVEN4701 Sustainable Infrastructure (6 UOC)
CVEN4705 Environmental Sustainability (6 UOC)

Select a maximum of 12 UOC of elective courses from the following list:
CVEN4104 Sustainability in Construction (6 UOC)
CVEN4201 Rock and Slope Engineering (6 UOC)
CVEN4202 Adv'd Topics in Geotech Eng'g (6 UOC)
CVEN4204 Ground Improvement &Monitoring (6 UOC)
CVEN4310 Deformation Monitoring Surveys (6 UOC)
CVEN4402 Transport Systems Part 1 (6 UOC)
CVEN4507 Advanced Water Engineering (6 UOC)
CVEN4703 Adv Water Quality (6 UOC)
CVEN4800 Satellite Remote Sensing &Apps (6 UOC)
CVEN9525 Fundamentals of Geomechanics (6 UOC)
GMAT9205 Geopositioning (6 UOC)
GMAT9600 Remote Sensing (6 UOC)
Not all courses may be available in a given year; available courses will be as per the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering program for that year.
Sessions (S1 and S2) are as per 2014 teaching allocations and can change from one year to another.
Year 2 Advanced Courses
48 UOC of Advanced Disciplinary courses plus 60 days of environmental engineering related industrial training.
CVEN9000 CivilEngPractice (6 UOC)
CVEN9931 Masters Project A (6 UOC)
CVEN9932 Masters Project B (6 UOC)
Plus 30 UOC of elective courses taken from the following list with 18 UOC chosen from the Environmental Engineering list and the remaining 12 UOC from the other discipline groups:

Note: Not all courses may be available. Please refer to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering for an up-to-date list of courses on offer.

Minimum 18UOC from Environmental Engineering courses below:
CVEN9855 Water & Wastewater Analysis (6 UOC)
CVEN9856 Water Treatment (6 UOC)
CVEN9857 Wastewater Treatment (6 UOC)
CVEN9872 Solid Waste Management (6 UOC)
CVEN9881 Hazardous Waste Management (6 UOC)
CVEN9888 Environmental Management (6 UOC)
CVEN9892 Sustainability & Risk Analysis (6 UOC)
GSOE9740 Industrial Ecology (6 UOC)
Project and Construction Management
CVEN9701 Eng Economics & Financial Mngt (6 UOC)
CVEN9702 Project Planning and Control (6 UOC)
CVEN9706 Human Resources Management (6 UOC)
CVEN9707 Contracts Management (6 UOC)
CVEN9710 Management of Risk (6 UOC)
CVEN9714 Resource Management (6 UOC)
CVEN9717 Marketing in Technology & Engg (6 UOC)
CVEN9718 Strategic Mngt for Engineering (6 UOC)
CVEN9720 Prob Solving & Decision Making (6 UOC)
CVEN9723 Design of Construction Ops (6 UOC)
CVEN9726 Legal Studies & Prof Practice (6 UOC)
CVEN9730 International Project Mngt (6 UOC)
CVEN9731 Project Management Framework (6 UOC)
Geotechnical Engineering .
CVEN9511 Geotechnical Models (6 UOC)
CVEN9512 Geomechanics (6 UOC)
Transport Engineering
CVEN9405 Urban Transport Planning Prac (6 UOC)
CVEN9407 Transport Modelling (6 UOC)
CVEN9415 Transport Systems Part 2 (6 UOC)
CVEN9421 Transport Logistics Eng (6 UOC)
CVEN9422 Traffic Management and Control (6 UOC)
Water Engineering
CVEN9610 Surface Water Hydrology (6 UOC)
CVEN9611 Urban Hydrology (6 UOC)
CVEN9612 Catchment & WR Modelling (6 UOC)
CVEN9620 Channels, Rivers & Estuaries (6 UOC)
CVEN9630 Groundwater Hydrology (6 UOC)
CVEN9640 Coastal Engineering (6 UOC)
Geospatial Engineering
GMAT9211 Modern Geodesy (6 UOC)
GMAT9300 Aerial & Satellite Imaging Sys (6 UOC)
GMAT9606 Microwave Remote Sensing (6 UOC)
With permission of the stream authority, a student may be permitted to take as an elective any advanced disciplinary knowledge course within the Faculty and for which prerequisite requirements are met.

In addition, a further requirement for the program is the completion of 60 days of Environmental Engineering related industrial experience.

Please also refer to the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering for more information about the program structure Coursework Programs
 IELTS:6.5 ( 各小分不低于 6.0 )


对比 宁同学
教育背景 北工大 暂无
最高学历 本科 暂无
在校均分 暂无 暂无
IELTS成绩 暂无 暂无
无结果 评测结果 评测结果不准确,点击我注册


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根据测试结果推断,你的基础条件符合该校留学申请,赶紧联系老师为你定制留学方案吧 咨询老师




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